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Gastric Bypass/Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery makes the stomach smaller and allows food to bypass part of the small intestine. There is a sense of fullness more quickly than when the stomach was its original size; reducing the amount of food consumed and thus the calories consumed. Bypassing part of the intestine also results in fewer calories being absorbed.


Research indicates that gastric bypass surgery improves insulin resistance and secretion by mechanisms independent of weight loss – most likely involving changes in gastrointestinal hormones. Many patients with type 2 diabetes experience complete remission within days of metabolic surgery, long before significant weight comes off. These metabolic changes enhance weight loss and the improvement or resolution of type II diabetes.

On average, patients can expect to lose between 60% - 70% of their excess weight in the first year. Gastric bypass surgery is performed in most cases with minimally invasive or laparoscopic surgery. This greatly reduces discomfort and recovery time.